digital legacy

About Mywishes

Our mission is to ensure that everyone documents and shares their wishes. Sharing important information now can help reduce the emotional burden, confusion and costs associated with illness, death, dying and remembering in the future.

Our free to use planning software, ongoing campaigning and education is having a positive impact across the UK. Some of our stories are shared in the ‘Recent News’ area below        

Join MyWishes

To use our free flagship software and be part of the MyWishes community click here

Visit our tutorial section

Learn how to use MyWishes from our step by step guides by clicking here.

Recent news

ESCTOX / UKASCC Conference

ESCTOX / UKASCC Conference – Thursday 17th & Friday 18th March 2022 James from the MyWishes team will be the last speaker at the upcoming ESCTOX / UKASCC conference. The ESCTOX / UKASCC…

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james norris

Speaking at the Digital Legacy Conference

The Digital Legacy Conference, Tues 5th October, 2021  (from 4pm UK time until 10PM) – PalliCovid & Exploring New Dimensions’ Our Founder, James Norris will co-chair the Digital Legacy…

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MyWishes at EAPC 2021

MyWishes presenting at EAPC 2021We are delighted to announce that we will be sharing information about MyWishes’ impact at the European Association of Palliative Care World Congress. EAPC is a…

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March Update

We have been busy over the past couple of months deploying and improving different parts of the platform. We would like to…

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BTV digital legacy

Bulgarian TV feature – MyWishes were recently featured on the BTV News

A film crew from Bulgaria recently flew over to London to learn about MyWishes, our goals and our mission. The feature was aired on the national TV station BTV. Here is a short snippet from the BTV…

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MyWishes featured in the Standard Newspaper

Yesterday MyWishes was featured in the The Standard Newspaper. The article explore the work that we have undertaken to date and was supported by Google’s Digital Garage.   To read the…

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Capturing the Spirit of Death

The ideaMyWishes is a free to use technology platform. We help to normalise end of life conversations and the use of technologies for death and dying. Technologies have been a part of death and dying…

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The LivInfographic

Overview Over the last few years Infographics have become an extremely effective way to tell stories using data. Infographics are (in short) graphical representations of datasets. They are often…

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