It’s Organ Donation Week 2021

It is Organ Donation Week and this year’s theme is ‘Leave Them Certain’. This campaign aims to encourage people to talk to their loved ones about organ donation through highlighting that families are always involved before organ donation goes ahead.
No matter what your organ donation wishes are, it is vitally important that they are documented and relevant conversations take place with at least one friend or family member.
What is organ donation?
Organ donation is when one person chooses to give an organ to save or improve the life of someone else.
Although the law around organ donation has changed to an opt out system in many parts of the UK, your family will still be consulted if organ donation is a possibility.
Your family can overturn your decision
Each year, hundreds of opportunities for transplants are missed because families aren’t sure what to do.
Your family will always be consulted about whether you wanted to be an organ donor or not, and clinicians will never proceed with organ donation if your family or loved ones object.
Leave them certain
If you want to donate
If you want to be an organ donor after you die, it’s really important that you talk to your loved ones and make sure they understand and support your organ donation decision. You can also register your decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register.
If you don’t want to donate
If you decide not to become an organ donor, you can still help your family through a difficult time by talking to them about your organ donation decision now, and making sure they know what you want. You can also register your decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register.
Documenting your Organ donation preferences on MyWishes
Once you have registered as an organ donor, it is easy to include this information within your MyWishes advance care plan. Once completed, email it to someone you trust and print out at least one hard copy for your own records.
Other news that might be of interest
MyWishes free to use software was developed under the guidance of healthcare, hospice, legal and funeral professionals. Our platforms empowers society to make plans for both themselves and those they care about.

Michael Sobell Hospice Palliative Care Department Mount Vernon Hospital, Gate 3 Northwood HA6 2RN United Kingdom (Map)
- Register and document your wishes for free here
- For all enquires click here
- To learn how MyWishes works click here
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