National Hospice Legacy Campaign

“Hospice UK is leading a national campaign to encourage people to leave a gift in their will to their local hospice. This campaign will support participating hospices to fundraise for their work through legacy giving.” To learn more about the campaign click here.

The resources below have been created by MyWishes to support this year’s campaign and increase the amount of gifts left to hospices. MyWishes is free for the general public to use. All of the resources are free for hospices to utilise and we do not charge hospices when gifts are left to them by their supporters.

MyWishes invite all UK hospice's to add a link to our free to use platform to their hospice website's before the campaign launches. This might help increase the amount of gifts pledged from Wills and donations collected from Funerals

MyWishes enables society to leave gifts within their legally binding Last Will & Testament’s. It is also used to pledge in-memory donations from funerals.

The information below highlights how hospices can update their website in order to optimise their own hospice legacy campaign ahead of the national legacy campaign’s launch date in early 2025.

Download the resource pack

Will writing software

About MyWishes

Everyone in the UK can use MyWishes in order to create a legally binding Last Will & Testament for free. Unlike other Will writing platforms there is no cost for the person documenting their wishes. There is also no cost for the hospice or charity who is pledged a gift from one of their supporters.

Ahead of the National Hospice Legacy Campaign we invite hospices to optimise their fundraising campaign by updating their own hospice website ahead of time.

How to get your hospice's website ready

Ahead of the National Hospice Legacy Campaign it is important that your community are able to pledge donations online to you should they wish to do so. If your hospice website is not able to provide suitable ways for this to take place, you might not receive as many donations as you might otherwise have receivied.

Below are some of the ways in which you might want to prepare your hospice website ahead of the National Hospice Legacy Campaign.

Updating your website pages and the navigation

To start off with make sure that you have suitable will writing and funeral wishes pages on your hospice’s website. Once pages are updated and any new pages created, make sure that the new pages are linked to from the website’s navigation.

You might also want to revisit other pages that contain similar information relating to donations and planning ahead.  You might decide to ‘cross link’ these pages when it is suitable to do so. For example, if you have a page about ‘funeral collections’ you might want to add a link from this page’s copy to a ‘donate in memory’ page.

Text for your hospice's website.

If you decide to list MyWishes as a way in which your community can pledge and provide your hospice with donations, you are welcome to use the text and images provided below. You are also more than welcome write your own text and use your own images alongside information a link to MyWishes.

Will Writing (text to copy and paste onto your website)

You can write your Last Will & Testament online for free using MyWishes Once it has been completed you will need to print the document and sign it in front of two people in order for it to become a legally binding document. If you would like to leave a gift in your Last Will & Testament to us we would be very grateful however this is not required. To learn more about writing your Last Will & Testament online using MyWishes click here.

Funeral Donations (text to copy and paste onto your website)

You can document your Funeral Wishes online for free using MyWishes. Once it has been completed you can print and email it to someone you trust. You might also want to email a copy to one or more funeral directors for a quotation.

If you would like donations to be collected at your funeral you are able to state which cause you would like donations to be allocated to. All donations provided to our hospice are warmly welcomed. To learn more about documenting your Funeral Wishes online using MyWishes click here.

View the assets in the resource pack and download them for use on your website

Images for your hospice's website.

The images shown below are available to download and use for free. They can be found within the resource pack. Simply click on the button provided and select the images you would like to use. Once opened it can be downloaded from the resource pack onto your computer and uploaded to your own hospice’s website.

Do you need technical support?

If you require any technical support with the tasks outlined above please do get in contact by contacting us.

We wish you all the best with your hospice’s fundraising efforts over the months ahead.

Download the resource pack

Free to download and use leaflets

Hospices are also welcome to download and print our public facing leaflets for free. Leaflets highlight the importance of making plans in advance and are folded into three sections. They are suitable in both clinical and non-clinical settings.

Download this leaflet (print ready)
MyWishes leaflet - End of life planning

Michael Sobell Hospice 
Palliative Care Department
Mount Vernon Hospital, Gate 3
Northwood HA6 2RN
United Kingdom

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